Drive and load wheels for trouble-free operation

Find out more about individual solutions for drum filters in our current flyer

Our new image film

We love what we do

Wheels for extremely precise vehicle movements

Find out more about our new application flyer for "Mecanum Wheels"

Throughout the world. Global sales.

We are there for you across the the world. You can get
our products exclusively from independent retail partners in more than 50 countries.

Precise, flexible transport

From distribution centres to cold storage, we can provide the right solution for any shuttle application.


The catalogue provides you with a complete overview of our portfolio. Neatly designed and clearly structured, you will quickly find the right product for your application.


Heavy loads, tight spaces and extreme temperatures – our PEVOTEC® wheel specially developed for forging manipulators copes well with all of these demands.

Wheels & Castors

We provide you with more than 30,000 items with diameters of 30 mm to 1,800 mm and load capacities of up to 80 tons. Our drive, load and guiding wheels as well as our press-on tyres, running wheels and pallet rollers meet the highest standards every day.



Our products drive a wide range of industries. From the extraction and processing of raw materials to intralogistics and transportation and supply systems – all over the world, our customers trust in the excellent quality of our extensive product range.



We offer you extensive consultation, first-class service and high availability of our products. In addition to our locations in Germany, you can obtain our wheels and castors exclusively from independent retail partners in more than 50 countries around the world.


A must every year: LogiMAT in Stuttgart. Once again this year, we presented ourselves from 11 to 13 March at LogiMAT, the international trade fair for intralogistics solutions, from our best side - and we can proudly say:…
